martes, 25 de marzo de 2014


NAVYA has completed for the Spanish air operator SERAIR the update of its Operations Manual and Procedures in order to meet the requirements of the new EASA-OPS regulatory provisions.

The technical assistance provided by NAVYA to SERAIR aimed to respond to the adaptation needs arising from the new regulations EASA-OPS Part D and meet the requirements of the Spanish aviation authorities in relation to its engineering operations.

This included the update of the Operations Manual and procedures and the resolution of eventual discrepancies posed by Spanish Civil Aviation Authorities in order to comply with ongoing regulatory changes.

SERAIR is the first and major transporter of cargo between the Canary Islands with more than 150 inter-insular flights per week. The air operator is specialized in air taxi and transport of press and fresh goods, both, between Canary Islands and between Europe and Africa.

In addition, the air operator has been granted with a Training certificate by the Spanish Aviation Authorities and holds a Medicalized Aircraft, used for medical evacuations and transport of patients.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014


NAVYA has delivered to Aena Airports -Barcelona Airport  the first module of a GIS based software tool that will allow Barcelona International Airport ("El Prat") to improve control and surveillance of potential flight obstacle in the airport surrounding area of influence.

The new GIS based application developed by NAVYA was designed to improve the control and surveillance of obstacles in the surrounding area of Barcelona International Airport, where NAVYA has been collaborating with Aena since January 2010.

The tool provides, under an easy and friendly graphical interface, a seamless platform with integrated access to: 
  • Electronic Airport Terrain and Obstacle Database
  • Obstacles charts
  • Satellite orthoimages
  • Obstacles References Database
  • Vector Cartography

 Additionally, the application, based on GIS freeware, allows, among other functionalities: 
  • Simple and complex search and queries with multiple input parameters
  • Bidirectional linkage between graphical and tabular databases
  • Data Export to multiple formats, amog other, Shape (.shp), AutoCAD (dxf), Google Earth (kml and kmz), Excel (xls), etc.

Two versions of the application have been provided:
  • One aimed to the control and surveillance of obstacle affecting the OLS (Obstacle Limitation Surfaces)
  • A second one that will help to verify that the provisions of the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (AESA), regarding licenses for the construction or installation of any new potential obstacle (buildings, cranes,  streetlights, etc)  are accomplished, in the airport area of influence.

Simultaneously with the delivery of this first module,  last March 11th,  NAVYA conducted a successful demonstration on the use of the new tool to all relevant staff from Barcelona International Airport.

The positive welcome to this new tool by the Airport Management has resulted in  fostering the development of a second module that will allow a direct assessment of obstacles, by comparing  them with the OLS.

This milestone, joins the list of  other successful tools already developed by Navya for the control and surveillance of obstacle, like: 
  • HAOS (Herramienta de Análisis de Obstáculos en Superficies Limitadoras de Obstáculos)
  • ADT


NAVYA has recently completed a training Program for a number of African Civil Aviation Authorities under the umbrella of the SIASA (Support to the Improvement of Aviation Safety in Africa) Project, implemented by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) on behalf of the European Commission.

EASA is working towards harmonisation and implementation in each partner country of the international aviation safety rules and procedures.The main beneficiaries of this Project are states from the sub-Saharan Africa.
The EASA-led component is designed to improve aviation safety standards in Africa with an overall target of helping states meet ICAO standards.
The aviation safety project covers a wide range of areas including personnel licensing, air carrier operations, airworthiness, aircraft accident and incident investigation and aerodrome certification. Activities include legislative and rulemaking aspects, implementation measures, fostering regional organisations, and training.
Specifically, NAVYA was awarded for the development and delivery of a Training Program on AOC Specific Approvals for Flight Operations Inspectors of different African countries on the following themes:

  • Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Operations
  • Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPS)
  • Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
  • Lof Visibility Operations (LVO)
  • Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards (ETOPS)
  • Dangerous Goods: Responsibilities, Emergencies, Checklists, Approval Process…

The training not only included extensive theory about regulatory requirements, fundamentals, equipment, operational procedures and examples of approval processes, but also practical exercises reflecting common situation encountered in sub-Saharan Africa.
This training programme is meant to be delivered three times in the course of the SIASA project implementation period.